PVV questions Dutch Foreign Minister about EU guidelines on Israel

Parliamentary questions of the MPs Raymond De Roon and Geert Wilders (both PVV) to the minister of Foreign Affairs about Israel's condemnation of a new EU guideline.

Have you seen the press articles about the Israeli condemnation of new EU guideline to ban funding and cooperation beyond the 1967 Israeli borders? (*)

Is it true that you agreed with this guideline last December?

Don't you think that with this new guideline the European bureaucrats are interfering in the internal affairs of Israel in a complete unfair manner?

Why do the EU bureaucrats interfere so openly with Israel while they do not set any guidelines for other territorial disputes, such as the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus, the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara?

Can you make sure that this new guideline will not be issued?

Do you share our view that paying Israel-hating EU bureaucrats, who previously wasted billions of development money in Egypt, are a wasteful expenditure for our taxpayers?

(*) Washingtonpost.com