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Speech Geert Wilders during the parliamentary debate about the military mission to fight ISIS in Iraq

 Madam Speaker,
The Islamic State is an Islamic cancer. It is a poisonous snake based on the Quran and the life of Muhammad, a criminal who 14 centuries ago went, murdering and decapitating, from Medina to Mecca. His self-appointed successor Caliph Baghdadi is now at the gates of Baghdad and Damascus. He has followers all over the world, including in our country, our cities and streets. Again, people are beheaded according to the Koranic commands such as Sura 47 verse 4: "When ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them bind a bond firmly on them." Even moderate Muslims cannot escape violence because, according to the Koran and the Sharia, they are apostates.
All the gullible minds who say that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam are committing a serious politically-correct error, whether they are Obama, Cameron, Rutte or Samsom.
We are at war. War has been declared against the free West. Our freedom, our culture, the future of our country and our children are at stake. We must strike back hard, in the Netherlands, in the rest of the West and also in Iraq and Syria. Hence, my party supports the Government's decision to deploy Dutch F16s against the Islamic state. We say: Let us bomb them.

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